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RoboCop is Pure Nostalgia feature

RoboCop is Pure Nostalgia

In the world of video games, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of revisiting a beloved franchise from your childhood. Recently, I had the opportunity to dive into RoboCop: Rogue City, a game that brilliantly resurrects the spirit of the classic 80s cyborg cop.

The Nostalgia Factor

From the moment you boot up the game, the nostalgia factor hits you like a well-aimed round from RoboCop’s signature Auto-9 weapon. The original actors’ voices and faces, such as Peter Weller’s portrayal of RoboCop, are faithfully recreated. The gritty style and familiar locations of a dystopian Detroit all contribute to a sense of warm familiarity. It’s like stepping back into a world you thought you’d left behind, but finding it just as captivating as ever.

It’s worth noting that the game completely ignores the 2014 remake, directed by the Brazilian José Padilha.

However, this familiarity can also work against the game. The original RoboCop movies were clearly low-budget productions, and while the game does an excellent job of recreating their aesthetic, it can sometimes feel a bit too faithful. Some areas of the game feel a bit sparse and could have benefited from a bit more detail or variety.

Despite this, RoboCop: Rogue City doesn’t shy away from the source material. It embraces the original’s super violent, yet goofy nature. The game is a bloody ballet of bullets and one-liners, a testament to the enduring appeal of the RoboCop franchise. It’s clear that the developers have a deep love and understanding of what makes RoboCop so iconic.


Graphics and Gameplay

The graphics are top-notch, with detailed environments and character models that bring the dystopian future of Detroit to life. However, the game’s AA budget is evident in some areas, such as the facial animations during cutscenes, which can be a bit of a detriment. Fortunately, these cutscenes are not crucial to the overall gameplay experience.

The gameplay is straightforward but effective, offering a satisfying experience despite its simplicity. The core mechanics involve aiming and shooting, with little strategy required. This doesn’t detract from the enjoyment of mowing down waves of criminals with RoboCop’s iconic gun. The game offers a variety of weapons, but RoboCop’s signature sidearm is often the most efficient choice due to its infinite ammo. It requires a bit of determination from the player to actually care to use other guns like bazookas, shotguns, or even throwing chairs and monitors at enemies, despite being fun.

One downside of the game is its lack of difficulty. For the most part, the game is quite easy, with only the final boss providing a significant challenge. Additionally, the mini-bosses can be easily exploited by hiding in blind spots and shooting, which takes away from the excitement of these encounters.

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The Story

The story of RoboCop: Rogue City is delightfully cheesy, but it doesn’t innovate much. It uses several tropes from the original movies, and some beats even seem like they’ve been copy-pasted from the source material. The villain, known as “The New Guy,” is a classic RoboCop bad guy, and the plot involves nuke drug, a scheme to replace RoboCop with a fully mechanical cop, and a second-in-command trying to climb the corporate ladder. It’s all very RoboCopy and fans of the franchise will appreciate the nods to the original films. However, the game’s story is not its strong suit, and it’s clear that the focus was on gameplay rather than narrative.

The RPG elements of the game are simple but add a layer of depth to the gameplay. You can upgrade various aspects of RoboCop, from his weapons to his targeting system. While none of these upgrades are essential, they do make the game a bit easier and more enjoyable. Additionally, the game features side characters that you can interact with, but none of them are particularly fleshed out. They’re not irritating, but they don’t add much to the overall experience.

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A Parallel Surprise

One of the most pleasant surprises while playing, I searched for news about the cast and the universe, I ended up discovering a documentary titled RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop (8★★★★★★★★). This four-episode series features interviews with all the cast and crew of the original 1987 movie, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the film. It’s a fascinating watch, full of easter eggs and insights into the precarious and tense shooting environment. The documentary reveals the struggles the filmmakers faced, from fights over budget to disagreements about artistic vision. It’s clear that the creation of RoboCop was a labor of love, and the documentary does an excellent job of capturing that spirit.

RoboCop: Rogue City is a nostalgic trip down memory lane that respects its source material while offering a fun and engaging gameplay experience. The graphics are impressive, the gameplay is satisfying, and the cheesy story is a loving homage to the original films. While may not be groundbreaking, it’s a solid shooter that’s worth checking out for fans of the franchise or anyone looking for a good time. And if you’re a fan of the original movie, be sure to also check out the RoboDoc documentary.

My Rating: 8★★★★★★★★
Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order feature

Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order is a mouthful sub-titled titled title. I don’t particularly like this cascading naming convention, but it’s rather common in big franchises. Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, and Pokémon all suffer from this.

So, EA published another Star Wars game. The default expectation is a TRASH game loop with microtransactions and paid loot. Battlefront 2 and FIFA will not let me lie…

But this one was… good!

I got it “for free” in the Amazon Prime deal. My original intention was to get both “free” shipping and streaming service for a fixed and low monthly fee. But they do give some video games for free too. And they are eventually good games. After activation in the yet-another-game-launcher Origin launcher, I decided to give it a try.

TLDR: it has all the mediocre elements of recent games. But the visuals and gameplay hooked me. I liked it very much.

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The main protagonist is bland. Another white impetuous generic dude. The amnesia trope was also employed here. The guy, once fully skilled, now have to relearn everything.

The companions, however, are much more varied. They are never very relevant to the plot, nor do we participate in their journeys, but they add a great flavor to the story. Particularly the pilot Greez: funny, warm-hearted but scared little creature. And, of course, your droid companion. The villains are good. Some are visually memorable like the Ninth Sister. Some are, like Malicos, those type that appears, brags, and dies. Next.

The general assortment of goons is the stars of the show. From low-rank troopers to big machines, monsters, and fallen Jedis, the list is varied throughout the whole game. They provoke fear and anxiety and relaxation. They generally do not talk or express any particular personality, but all portray a very specific role.

The appearance of iconic characters is definitively a high point to mention. But no spoilers here.

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Not much to add beyond what you can see in screenshots and trailers. The game is gorgeous. EA at least has to be praised in this regard: despite being bad games, all recent SW games are visually stunning. Squadrons, another Amazon free game that I’m still playing, is also amazing.


The main core loop is great. In the Metroidvania style, maps are presented but inaccessible until the player acquires some special ability. It implies that, when acquired, the player must revisit the same areas over and over again. There is a kind of fast travel mechanism, but the travel points are sparse and will still require some time traversing.

The combat is challenging. Being a Jedi presupposes being a god-like fighter. The game gives the player enough abilities to make one feel powerful but not overpowering. Even on late levels, it’s possible to lose health fighting goons. Health is important to face bosses and harder enemies.

Boss encounters do not change the general gameplay in any big way, which is a plus. You fight using the same muscle memory developed until it. There is always the annoying pre-cutscene that will be played over and over if you die a lot in these fights.

Visiting 5 different planets gives the scenery a great variation, even being particularly different regarding the traversal challenges. Ice planet, fire planet, vegetation planet, futurist planet/installation, underground… And all are beautiful to look at.

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I got it for free, but I would pay for it if necessary. The game is fun, front and foremost. The story is a bit lacking, and the protagonist is definitively lacking but when I finished, I even tried to complete some extra objectives to extend the experience.

My Rating: 8★★★★★★★★
Metacritic: 81
Watch Dogs 2 feature

Watch Dogs 2

What a surprise! After playing several Ubisoft open-world games lately, I was expecting another result of a generic and repetitive side quest generator with a superficial storyline over it.

I was a bit reluctant to start WD2. I read that the original title was overpromised and under-delivered. The second one flew on my radar at the time. Recently I got it through the Epic free game initiative. Then I read some reviews and comments from the launch time and there were good ones. So I decided to check it out. Not without flaws, I enjoyed the time, the story, and the gameplay.

Likable Protagonist

Far Cry 3 presented the very iconic and infinite memerable villain Vaas Montenegro. However, the Ubisoft writing team struggles to create memorable protagonists. I cannot name a single great protagonist in Far Cry and most Assassin’s Creed (old and new entries) are plain boring. AC3’s Ezio Salvatore da Firenze is the top of mind. AS Odyssey’s Kassandra was nice, despite being put in a split role with her unnecessary male version Alexios.

The player spends hours living the life of another person that she/he cares so little about. It’s sad really.

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Marcus Holloway is a new entry on the likable protagonist list. Optimist, clever and lighthearted. His motivations seem reasonable and believable. However, there is a cognitive dissonance playing Marcus as an armed gangster, shooting at police and mob armies. From start to finish, all cutscenes present him, as well the other members of the DedSec crew, as non-violent watchdogs. People that fight to preserve individual liberties and respect life and diversity. Using machine guns to kill everybody on site feels wrong. I tried to play as much as possible in the way I understood the character: low profile, clever hacker.

For the rest of the crew, it’s a mixed bag. The only one that will definitively stick in my mind is the masked engineer Wrench. Horatio, the guy that works on Goog… Nudle becomes relevant. The rest is the rest.

For villains and NPCs, none are worth mentioning. The main villain, Dušan, is both an idiot and annoying.


The hacker theme is presented as the usual Hollywood cliché. Type furiously into the notebook and any bank account in the world is yours!

However, the overall universe is set using several references to popular culture. Movies, music, and video games are often mentioned by characters. Some are more obscure, but most of the time these references are more common sense. For those that know them, they are quite fun. For those that do not, is an exotic flavor.

Some references are less subtle: There is a search engine and maps company called Nudle. A rocket launcher Galilei commanded by a millionaire much like SpaceX. I linked the main villain company, Blume, as Microsoft, but it’s my own thing.

Watch Dogs 2 does not take the story and theme too seriously. There is even a good dose of self-mockery about being a hacker/programmer. It’s not like FarCry’s Blood Dragon over-the-topness. WD2 translates complex problems into smaller bites to make them more accessible and fun to a broad audience.

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As I said before, it is possible to be Rambo and shoot everybody. Like GTA, you will attract police attention and will die, respawn and try again. But I feel that is not the way it’s meant to be played™. Harder, but more satisfying, is avoiding direct conflict and using gadgets and powers to sneak. The same could be said for old Assassin’s Creed games (the new ones embrace direct combat as pillars).

The hacking abilities are more useful for small interventions, like distracting guards, than creating mayhem. Hacking citizens’ phones in the streets are fun for 10 minutes, then becomes quite useless. Event robbing their bank accounts, money in general, becomes irrelevant mid-game, after upgrading Marcus’ drones.

Most puzzles are repetitive, but fun mini-game.

In the end, the core mechanics are solid. Open-world games tend to be repetitive, but WD2 scrambles the same basic mechanics offering variety.

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My Rating: 8★★★★★★★★
Metacritic: 75
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West feature

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West

Yesterday I finally finished Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Great game! Underappreciated and undersold.

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It tells the story of Monkey, a brute man that is really flexible and versatile. Gameplay and game story wise, this character makes much more sense those characters on Assassin’s Creed, parkouring around. He is a humble and simple man, that was captured as a slave. He finds Trip, a beautiful and resourceful girl that faces the same destiny. However, their destiny changes when the transport airplane suffers a problem and crashes. Trip and Money survive. Trip wants to return to her father and see the opportunity to do something really bold: uses a device to enslave Monkey using a special collar. Or he helps her to return to her home, or he dies. If he tries to remove the collar, he dies. If he gets too far from her, he dies.

He wants to live. So he decides to help. So the game starts.

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The gameplay is basically a combat and 3D exploration and parkour. In a sense, is a mix of old Mario 64/Lara Croft, with Assassin’s Creed combat. It sometimes requires some puzzle solving, but generally they are very easy. The combat is rudimentary and only require some tactics and button smashing. Bosses are difficult, however. Time to time, the mechanics change to something special, like controlling a gun turret, but 99% of the game is very straightforward. In fact, it is probably my biggest complaint about Enslaved: Odyssey to the West: after while, you will not get anything new to do. It’s just repetition of the same things. This is the reason I played about half of the game, stopped and only returned several months later, with the mission in my head to finish it once and for all. It was surprisingly good, nevertheless.

Oh, there is another thing: every time you die, you are moved back to the last checkpoint to try again. Great. HOWEVER, you are forced to see the cinematic that are often played before the action. Every time. If it is a challenge part, like a boss, I bet you are going nuts for the time wasted. Developers, never (I repeat, never) do this. It is super annoying.

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The visuals are a big plus here. Even for an older game (originally released in 2010), the game is still gorgeous. It has personality, flavor. The scenarios are all very pretty as well the characters. Money and Trip show emotions in a level that more modern games still struggle to accomplish. The animations are great and fluid very plastic.

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The story is also a great point for the game. It is original, personal and compelling. You will love the couple. The protagonist is likable! What a great feature, so rare! The companion is a bit arrogant, but she is also very likable. Only the third guy, named Pigsy, falls into the typical NPC of boring, arrogant and annoying. Yet he is cool. 3 characters total and the story is still super cool. Great achievement. The ending is a bit of “the architect moment in the Matrix”, trowing a lot of information to give it all a closure, but it is really great and memorable. The main “villain” is also played by Andy Serkis, which plays the main character Monkey, is a big surprise (don’t worry, it is not exactly a spoiler).

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Overall it was a great experience. I believe it is a new classic. The same kind as Blade Runner, that was critic acclaimed, but a commercial failure.

My Rating: 8★★★★★★★★
Metacritic: 70
Sing feature


I was wandering in the giant wasteland of TV shows, changing channels every 15 seconds, when I noticed that animation Sing was about to start. I decided to give it a try, but I had no expectations about it. For me, it would be another cashing animation movie.

When it ended I felt super surprised about how good it is. I was crying like a baby, but it is something I do often. 😛

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The movie is about a theater owner that dreamed about having a great and successful show but got failure after failure. Deeply in debt, he decided to create a singing competition. It attracted hundreds of contestants, which one with a unique style. The narrative is very predictable, but nevertheless very emotional one. The main theme is believing in your dreams. But there is a bit of father-son relationship for some characters. They don’t run away from the typical stereotypes. And there a very few surprises along the way.

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Visually stunning, the song selection is very nice (could be great, however) and the characters are very well realized. My personal favorite is the chameleon assistant. 😛 The cast is very good here, with solid performances. Some of them I did not notice who as whom. I don’t know if the actors actually sang for the movie, but I doubt it.

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Very good pop corn time movie to watch with the family.

My Rating: 8★★★★★★★★
Metacritic: 73
Rotten Tomatoes: 72