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Ultimate Procrastination Machine feature

Ultimate Procrastination Machine


From the series Things I Used To Hate Now I Am Using, now I finally testing Twitter.

I created my account as brmassa and I started to post micro stuff: my favorite football team stupid results, political jokes and things that are REALLY useless for most of people.

After about 2 months, I still don’t see much use on this, except on spying on peoples lives (HEY, they are aware of it� they are publishing the tweets). �With instant messaging, blog witting and spam reading, they are the Time Wasting Toolkit.

Ultimate procrastination machine content.jpg

It is now just another fragmented piece of information about people. The only advantage I see is for companies like Google now have another source of free external data about potential customers. They can cross with their own data and offer ads more and more targeted to them. Social networks + search history + email history + tweets + photos = complete profile about you!

And I foresee that soon the site will add a higher level of permissions, so you will choose which people can follow you or can do some operations regarding your profile. In other words: it will gradually transform in a Social Network site.

PS: I just added the Twitter messages list at the bottom of this blog. It’s updated hourly.